power_supply.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/30 00:13 by 

Build my own 'lab' power supply from an old ATX pc version.
Basic idea is to strip all the wires and add plugs to the case to plug in banana wires.

Original idea

ATX Pinout

ATX example, found by searching google images for 'atx power supply'.


  1. How is ground connected? (done)
    • 3,5,7,13,15,16,17 all interconnected or separate?
      • How should this stuff work?
      • All interconnected and to ground (metal case), easy and logical!
  2. Test voltage on different pins. (done)
    • +3,3 v: 1, 2 and 11
    • +5 v: 4, 6, 19 and 20
    • -5 v: 18
    • +12 v: 10
    • -12 v: 12
    • +5 v standby (max 10mA): 9
  3. Design case and wiring layout (done)
    • Switch
    • Wire terminals
  4. Think of ways to connect to existing projects. (done)
    • TTY level converter (done)
    • MSNTV (done)
  5. Purchase/scavenge parts (done)
    • Switch (skipped)
    • Terminals (bought)
    • Rubber feet (bought)
  6. Build using bought/scavenged parts. (done)
    • Cut holes in case (done)
    • Attach terminals and such (done)
    • Shorten wires (done)
  7. Profit!
  8. Optional
    • Make power supply silent by using fan control
      • temperature based or manual :)

Version 1.0 is done!
It has 8 'banana' plugs, +3,3v +5v, -5v, +12v and -12v. The negative voltages are not precise and differ quite a bit… Not really a problem :)

Power supply


Author Herman Kopinga. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
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